The Impact of Nanocarriers on Hemp Oil Solubility and Effectiveness

Unlocking the Potential of Water-Soluble Hemp: The Impact of Nanocarriers on Hemp Oil Solubility and Effectiveness

There are plenty of CBD brands on the market that claim their products are nano or water-soluble. But are they really?

Chances are that the CBD product you use is not. At best, it uses nanoparticle CBD oil to increase its absorption rate, but it still won’t achieve full water solubility.

In this article, we’ll explore the solubility of CBD products, how it works, and which CBD products can provide the best experience for you.

What Is Water Solubility?

Water solubility refers to the ability of a substance to dissolve in water. Water-soluble substances dissolve evenly in water, creating a homogeneous solution. On the other hand, a substance that is not water-soluble will not dissolve in water and will remain separate, creating a heterogeneous mixture.

Why Is It Important For CBD Products?

Water solubility is essential in CBD products because it affects the absorption and effectiveness of the product. When a substance is water-soluble, it’s absorbed faster and at a higher percentage than oil-based substances.

Water-soluble hemp is more effective in delivering its benefits to the body. Additionally, because our body is made of water, a water-soluble ingredient will be better able to penetrate and be absorbed into the body's cells and tissues.

Understanding CBD Solubility

While CBD is purely oil-soluble, there have been CBD products that are partially water-soluble. To understand how they do that, we first need to understand the solubility of CBD.

What is CBD Solubility?

Solubility refers to the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent, such as water. In the context of CBD, solubility refers to the power of CBD to dissolve in water, usually in reference to its absorption properties in the human body.

Why Is Solubility Important For CBD?

The solubility of CBD is important because it affects the body's ability to absorb and process CBD. If a substance is not soluble in water, it’s more difficult and takes significantly longer for the body to digest and benefit from it. 

Fats/Oils have to be digested into fatty acids and glycerol, by an enzyme called lipase, produced by pancreas. Bile juice secreted by the liver helps in the emulsification of fat. 

The Science Behind CBD Absorption

The human body absorbs CBD through a process called diffusion. Diffusion refers to the movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to a place of low concentration.

The solubility of CBD is vital in the absorption process because the body mainly consists of water. So, if a substance is soluble in water, it’s easier for the body to absorb.

Water-soluble CBD alternatives, like the Kannopia-Active™ hemp extract, are more effective than oil-based CBD. The body absorbs it faster and at a higher percentage than oil-based CBD, resulting in improved bioavailability and effectiveness.

The Advantages Of Water-Soluble Hemp

Absorption And Effectiveness

One of the main advantages of water-soluble hemp is its higher absorption rate. When a substance is water-soluble, it dissolves evenly in water and is absorbed faster into the body. This means that the benefits of water-soluble hemp may be felt more quickly and at a higher percentage than oil-based alternatives.

Additionally, because our body is made of water, a water-soluble ingredient can better penetrate and be absorbed into the body's cells and tissues, making it more effective.

Digestion And Bioavailability

Another advantage of water-soluble hemp is that it’s better digested and has improved bioavailability. Oil-based CBD is difficult for the body to digest and as a result, a significant portion of the CBD is lost during digestion.

Different Forms Of CBD And Their Solubility Levels

There are various types of CBD oil with variable levels of solubility. Knowing about these products will help you get the best out of your CBD products and find water-soluble alternatives.


CBD oil is the most common form of CBD available on the market. It’s made by extracting the CBD compound from the hemp plant and mixing it with a carrier oil such as MCT oil, olive oil, or hemp seed oil. While CBD oil has many benefits, it’s not fully water-soluble. This means that it doesn’t dissolve evenly in water and remains separate, creating a heterogeneous mixture.

Nano CBD

Nano CBD is a form of CBD that has been processed using nano-technology to make the CBD particles smaller. The idea behind nano CBD is that the smaller particle size increases the water solubility of the CBD, making it more effective. While nano CBD has an improved absorption rate than traditional CBD oil, it’s still not fully water-soluble.

The process of producing nano CBD can also be expensive and may affect the purity and quality of the CBD.

100% Water-Soluble Hemp Extract

Kannopia-Active™ is a patent-pending form of hemp extract that’s 100% water-soluble. This unique form of hemp is created using a patented proprietary process that ensures complete water solubility.

There are plenty of benefits to using Kannopia-Active™. Its complete solubility means it’s absorbed faster into the body and at a higher percentage than traditional CBD oil or nano CBD. Its total water solubility and improved bioavailability make it an excellent choice for those looking to get the most out of hemp benefits.


Until now, water-soluble hemp was only something you saw in ads but could never be proven in a lab. It’s because CBD, in its purest form, is an oil and will never be fully water-soluble. Many CBD brands are trying to increase their products' solubility, making them more potent, but they will never reach 100%. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is CBD Oil Soluble in Water?
No, CBD oil is never fully soluble in water. It has limited solubility and does not dissolve completely since it’s an oil-based solution.

Many CBD products break down the oil into nanoparticles that can easily pass through tissue while not being water-soluble. These products misleadingly claim that their CBD is water-soluble. Kannopia-Active™ is the only 100% water-soluble hemp product on the market.

Why Is Water-Soluble Hemp Better?
Water-soluble hemp products are better because they’re absorbed faster and at a higher percentage by the body, resulting in improved bioavailability and effectiveness. This means they work faster, for longer, and produce more potent effects.

What Is Kannopia-Active™?
Kannopia-Active™ is a hemp extract that is 100% soluble in water. It offers the most effective form of hemp, as the body can absorb and utilize it more efficiently.

How Is Kannopia-Active™ Made?
Kannopia-Active™ is made through a patented proprietary process that allows the hemp to dissolve entirely in water. This process makes Kannopia-Active™ one of the most effective forms of hemp available on the market today.

Is Kannopia-Active™ Safe?
Yes, Kannopia-Active™ is safe and has undergone extensive testing to ensure its quality and effectiveness. It’s a pure form of hemp, free from harmful additives or contaminants.

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The information provided on this blog is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The authors and publishers of this blog are not liable for any errors or omissions in the content nor for any damages arising from the use of information contained within it.
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